Spiez Laboratory

About us

Vision, mission statement, roles and responsibilities of the Swiss Federal Institute for NBC Protection

Biology Division

Analysis and diagnostics of highly infectious pathogens and toxins.

Logistics, Quality and Safety Division

The LQS Division is responsible for the central services of the Spiez Laboratory. As well as providing on-site support, it is our job to ensure the smooth running of the Spiez Laboratory in general....

Management Board Spiez Laboratory

The Management Board of Spiez Laboratory consists of the Heads of the Divisions.

Chemistry Division

Chemistry Division: Evaluation, prevention and mitigation of threats from chemical warfare agents and related toxic compounds.

Job vacancies in the Spiez Laboratory

Autonomous work, networked thinking and a constant willingness to learn more are expected and promoted in the Spiez Laboratory.

Section Nuclear Chemistry

Nuclear Chemistry Division – Measurement of radioactivity in all situations, analysis of environmental samples for contamination by pollutants, nuclear forensics, radiation protection.

CBRNe Protection Systems Division

CBRNe Protection Systems Division: theoretical and experimental fundamentals of individual and collective protection systems, procurement assistance, certification office for components subject to...